Modern Grey Cathedral Oak


This modernized oak texture features a tightly-grained cathedral pattern that’s accentuated by subtle remnants of hangup leftover from a very mild sandblasting process. It’s a perfect fit for interior design projects that want to a hint of modernism and looks great on furniture, flooring, wall paneling, and even architectural elements such as exposed beams or window frames. 100% tileable for seamless integration with existing UV mapping solutions.

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This is one of our high-res oak textures that showcases a very modernized look that’s characterized by a dark grey, multi-step finish on a tightly-grained cathedral oak. It showcases subtle hangup texturing in the grain patterns that make it a perfect choice for visualizations of modern interior designs, architectural features, and even furniture! This texture comes with both diffuse and bump maps and is 100% tileable for seamless import into existing shaders and UV mapping solutions. A list of all included texture maps is detailed below:

File Dimensions (px) Size
50-modernGreyOak-bump-1024×1024.jpg 1024 x 1024 353.0 kB
50-modernGreyOak-bump-2048×2048.jpg 2048 x 2048 1.3 MB
50-modernGreyOak-bump-4096×4096.jpg 4096 x 4096 4.2 MB
50-modernGreyOak-bump-512×512.jpg 512 x 512 80.8 kB
50-modernGreyOak-diffuse-1024×1024.jpg 1024 x 1024 145.4 kB
50-modernGreyOak-diffuse-2048×2048.jpg 2048 x 2048 599.6 kB
50-modernGreyOak-diffuse-4096×4096.jpg 4096 x 4096 1.9 MB
50-modernGreyOak-diffuse-512×512.jpg 512 x 512 28.8 kB